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Best & Taylor Intel (9/1/2021): The End Game is Here — Prepare for Shock Waves!
291 views • 09/02/2021
China, Xi, UN, CDC, WHO, Jab, Mandates, Lockdowns, Trumpets, 7 Years, 7 Days and More…
September 1, 7 days from LAST TRUMP for this year’s Feast of Trumpets. All around us are signs after signs and the church is sound asleep as we approach the High Holy Days and Israel enters her 74th years since 1948. Lots of speculations concerning Daniel’s 70th week and the rapture of the Church. The world still searches for “peace and security” but war looms as the Lord stretches out His Hand upon the nations of the world. How close are we to trouble unlike anything seen before? The clues and signs say VERY CLOSE as the world slumbers and sleeps. Then we have earth changes and cosmic warnings – what does it all mean as the world’s “leaders” lead the world into hell itself. PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR PRAYERS FOR LARRY AND DARNETTE TAYLOR, they are doing better but still “under the gun” so to speak. Prayers also for all the watchmen on the wall… —Stewart Best
The best way to stay in touch for NEW prophetic updates and information is to be on the email list: http://eepurl.com/bs1HBv
Time is running out for mankind – even for the vast majority of Christians who think they are going to Heaven but are not – just as Jesus said. A DELUSION OF A SALVATION THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
The Bible is clear - only 1 in 1000 Christians is actually BORN AGAIN.
No Cross, No Death, No Judgment - No Crown of Eternal Life!!
"The Dark/Light Series" (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) - A Guide to Authentic Salvation:
"It is the best book I have ever read outside of the word of God itself."
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Become a NIGHT SHADOWS Member for just $9.95 per month [INCLUDED e-Books: "Frequency" #1 and #2]:
Source/Stewart Best's Website: www.LightGateBlogger.com
YouTube Channel: angelfall923
Visit Larry Taylor's Blog (FREQUENT updates): www.LarryWTaylor.org
Other Stories Contributed by "Follows TheWay" on BeforeItsNews.com:
September 1, 7 days from LAST TRUMP for this year’s Feast of Trumpets. All around us are signs after signs and the church is sound asleep as we approach the High Holy Days and Israel enters her 74th years since 1948. Lots of speculations concerning Daniel’s 70th week and the rapture of the Church. The world still searches for “peace and security” but war looms as the Lord stretches out His Hand upon the nations of the world. How close are we to trouble unlike anything seen before? The clues and signs say VERY CLOSE as the world slumbers and sleeps. Then we have earth changes and cosmic warnings – what does it all mean as the world’s “leaders” lead the world into hell itself. PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR PRAYERS FOR LARRY AND DARNETTE TAYLOR, they are doing better but still “under the gun” so to speak. Prayers also for all the watchmen on the wall… —Stewart Best
The best way to stay in touch for NEW prophetic updates and information is to be on the email list: http://eepurl.com/bs1HBv
Time is running out for mankind – even for the vast majority of Christians who think they are going to Heaven but are not – just as Jesus said. A DELUSION OF A SALVATION THAT DOES NOT EXIST.
The Bible is clear - only 1 in 1000 Christians is actually BORN AGAIN.
No Cross, No Death, No Judgment - No Crown of Eternal Life!!
"The Dark/Light Series" (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) - A Guide to Authentic Salvation:
"It is the best book I have ever read outside of the word of God itself."
Thanks for listening and if you feel led to:
Become a NIGHT SHADOWS Member for just $9.95 per month [INCLUDED e-Books: "Frequency" #1 and #2]:
Source/Stewart Best's Website: www.LightGateBlogger.com
YouTube Channel: angelfall923
Visit Larry Taylor's Blog (FREQUENT updates): www.LarryWTaylor.org
Other Stories Contributed by "Follows TheWay" on BeforeItsNews.com:
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