2023 Summary
19 views • 12/24/2023

2023 has been a year of dissemination of information, misinformation and disinformation.

Growing numbers of reality analysts, truth seekers and Live Action Role Players (“LARPs”) have reached a greatly expanded number of people.

The 80% of the population that had been stated as the target for awakening may not have been achieved. However, even many “normies” have begun realizing that they can’t accept as fully accurate much of what is presented by the media as news and opinion about politics, people, the economy, wars and other events.

What are the most significant developments now of concern to become major issues to handle in 2024?

~ Yeswise Education Service holistic learning modules: health, poisons, survival, the conglomerate empire, holistic philosophy:

~ program archives, notes, resources:

            ~ natural health items: 

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