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The Truth About Elmo Blatch!
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Truth and Stuff
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Published 5 months ago

Elmo Blatch had zero motive to kill the golf pro and the “tasty bitch he was fucking”. Nothing was taken from the scene even though allegedly his entire purpose of getting the job at the country club was to “case the rich pricks” who went there. So then why would he target the young, strong and poor golf pro when there were all the old rich people he could have targeted instead? And why would he have killed the two people if he didn’t even steal anything? That story makes zero sense. And Andy had plenty of time and motivation to coach the kid to tell the story of Blatch. It was Andy’s first escape attempt and to do it legally. Which is why he reacted so emotionally when the Warden turned him down. And let’s not forget not only did Andy have motive. He admitted to telling his wife he was going to kill her that day, being on the scene that night, drunk, with a loaded .38 and walking towards the house with the intent to kill her. The judge had him figured. The jury had him figured. Even the warden had him figured. But we’re supposed to believe Blatch randomly came along and did it with no motive? Sure sure. “Everyone in Shawshank is innocent” don’t you know.

luciferianrhetoricshawshank redemptionandy dufresne

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