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Dr. Bryan Ardis: I Want To Help The Sick & I Want Justice For Those Who Kill In the Name Of COVID
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Sons of Liberty
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Published 2 years ago
While the snake venom theory was proposed back in 2020 and the self-appointed, bought-and-paid-for fact checkers poo-pooed it, Dr. Bryan Ardis has produced a number of documents to substantiate his claim that snake venom is possibly being added to the water, put into some of the chemicals that are being sprayed down on us, produced in the COVID shots and possibly in Remdesivir. He joins me in this episode to talk about some of that and also to delve into why he is so passionate about this issue and the outcomes he wants to see both in health of victims of the CONvid-1984 and the justice he seeks upon the heads of every wicked individual who pimps the CONvid narrative or administers the deadly protocols that are literally killing and injuring millions of people.

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