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'Warning!! Superplume Is Growing OUT OF CONTROL in Earth Mantle Transition Zone (Moved from YouTube) 06.04.2020
4782 views • 01/07/2021
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Warning!! Superplume Is Growing OUT OF CONTROL in Earth Mantle Transition Zone
Written by Terral
June 04, 2020
Dear Professor Stern, gifted geologists, and astrophysicists:
My name is Terral Croft lead researcher at https://www.terral03.com and I have an urgent message relating to a superplume formation that is growing out of control under our feet in the earth mantle transition zone with repercussions that will have a dramatic impact on the entire world. Please allow me the opportunity to present the case to assist you in recognizing the fact that we are all in danger and that the global population needs to be warned concerning this eminent threat. Everyone receiving this message has been selected by examination of your education and experience in the earth and space sciences required to connect the dots between events that at first will seem too fantastic to believe.
Remnant of world's largest 'lava lamp blob' found off New Zealand coast
Brandon Spector published this article yesterday on May 03, 2020 including your name (Professor Tim Stern) concerning what is believed to be the “world’s largest lava lamp blob” that is nowhere near the largest superplume in the world.
Magma Plume Article: https://www.livescience.com/55285-mysterious-blobs-in-earths-mantle.html
Greg Uyeno published this article on July 05, 2016 including the comments and questions from Professor Edward Garnero (receiving this message) from the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University. Please read the article and enlarge the diagram showing a 2015 image of the largest superplume formation in the world that originated in the earth mantle transition zone below the Indonesia-Fiji region with buoyancy-barrier corridors now reaching around the globe. My team has been tracking the growth of a superplume formation for the last three years, by carefully mapping the pattern of 5+/- magnitude earthquake tremors triggered by harmonic-tremor activity striking below the Indonesia-Fiji region. Professor Garnero had little idea of what this formation is and how it was formed based upon the questions asked in the 2016 article.
"To me, the big unanswered question is, what is it, and how did it form?"
Please allow me to submit the explanation that we are looking at a superplume that formed within the earth mantle transition zone from a long series of deep harmonic tremors in combination with a new electromagnetic-energy source originating with an electromagnetic-magnetic-gravitational anomaly moving in prograde fashion in the inner solar system. The anomaly was moving along an elliptical orbit positioned between the sun and the Leo Constellation (2010-2012), the Virgo Constellation (2012-2015) and now is positioned between the sun and the Libra Constellation just below the ecliptic plane.
Binary Star Magnetic Repulsion: https://www.iflscience.com/space/massive-magnetic-stars/
Read the full report (2020 Newsletter Volume 23) by subscribing to the Newsletter-Survival Group Programs at https://www.terral03.com.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy: https://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/None_Dare_Call_It_Conspiracy.pdf
Johns Hopkins Covid-19 Info: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
Dakota Report (read Operations Section): http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/1/dakota_report_disinfo.pdf
What Is Nano Silver: https://www.nanosilver.com.my/nano-tech-facts/what-is-nano-silver/
Effect of silver nanoparticles on Candida albicans biofilms: an ultrastructural study:
Nano-based approach to combat emerging viral (NIPAH virus) infection
Colloidal Silver vs. Nano Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/
Newsletter subscribers can get enough Nano Silver concentrate to make 12 liters of Nano Silver Solution (10ppm) for just $100 and we pay for the shipping. Non-subscribers can get the same amount for just $115 at https://www.terral03.com and there is no limit on orders.
Everyone subscribing, upgrading, and donating receive the eBook version of The Mystery Explained as a gift for supporting the research. Check out the Mystery Report YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMq6IynWMl2RPb57ErfkKvA
Get additional information at [email protected]
Warning!! Superplume Is Growing OUT OF CONTROL in Earth Mantle Transition Zone
Written by Terral
June 04, 2020
Dear Professor Stern, gifted geologists, and astrophysicists:
My name is Terral Croft lead researcher at https://www.terral03.com and I have an urgent message relating to a superplume formation that is growing out of control under our feet in the earth mantle transition zone with repercussions that will have a dramatic impact on the entire world. Please allow me the opportunity to present the case to assist you in recognizing the fact that we are all in danger and that the global population needs to be warned concerning this eminent threat. Everyone receiving this message has been selected by examination of your education and experience in the earth and space sciences required to connect the dots between events that at first will seem too fantastic to believe.
Remnant of world's largest 'lava lamp blob' found off New Zealand coast
Brandon Spector published this article yesterday on May 03, 2020 including your name (Professor Tim Stern) concerning what is believed to be the “world’s largest lava lamp blob” that is nowhere near the largest superplume in the world.
Magma Plume Article: https://www.livescience.com/55285-mysterious-blobs-in-earths-mantle.html
Greg Uyeno published this article on July 05, 2016 including the comments and questions from Professor Edward Garnero (receiving this message) from the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University. Please read the article and enlarge the diagram showing a 2015 image of the largest superplume formation in the world that originated in the earth mantle transition zone below the Indonesia-Fiji region with buoyancy-barrier corridors now reaching around the globe. My team has been tracking the growth of a superplume formation for the last three years, by carefully mapping the pattern of 5+/- magnitude earthquake tremors triggered by harmonic-tremor activity striking below the Indonesia-Fiji region. Professor Garnero had little idea of what this formation is and how it was formed based upon the questions asked in the 2016 article.
"To me, the big unanswered question is, what is it, and how did it form?"
Please allow me to submit the explanation that we are looking at a superplume that formed within the earth mantle transition zone from a long series of deep harmonic tremors in combination with a new electromagnetic-energy source originating with an electromagnetic-magnetic-gravitational anomaly moving in prograde fashion in the inner solar system. The anomaly was moving along an elliptical orbit positioned between the sun and the Leo Constellation (2010-2012), the Virgo Constellation (2012-2015) and now is positioned between the sun and the Libra Constellation just below the ecliptic plane.
Binary Star Magnetic Repulsion: https://www.iflscience.com/space/massive-magnetic-stars/
Read the full report (2020 Newsletter Volume 23) by subscribing to the Newsletter-Survival Group Programs at https://www.terral03.com.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy: https://www.resist.com/Onlinebooks/None_Dare_Call_It_Conspiracy.pdf
Johns Hopkins Covid-19 Info: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
Dakota Report (read Operations Section): http://www.citizeninvestigationteam.com/1/dakota_report_disinfo.pdf
What Is Nano Silver: https://www.nanosilver.com.my/nano-tech-facts/what-is-nano-silver/
Effect of silver nanoparticles on Candida albicans biofilms: an ultrastructural study:
Nano-based approach to combat emerging viral (NIPAH virus) infection
Colloidal Silver vs. Nano Silver: https://elementasilver.com/blog/colloidal-silver-vs-nano-silver/
Newsletter subscribers can get enough Nano Silver concentrate to make 12 liters of Nano Silver Solution (10ppm) for just $100 and we pay for the shipping. Non-subscribers can get the same amount for just $115 at https://www.terral03.com and there is no limit on orders.
Everyone subscribing, upgrading, and donating receive the eBook version of The Mystery Explained as a gift for supporting the research. Check out the Mystery Report YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMq6IynWMl2RPb57ErfkKvA
Get additional information at [email protected]
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