Tucker Carlson August 27, 2021
190 views • 08/28/2021
The U.S. is coming apart at the seams at every level. The government is a behemoth run by two-bit incompetent little authoritarians that don’t possess the skills to manage a hot dog. This “Village People” concept of hiring unqualified idiots based on race / gender quotas was designed to destroy an already-broken system. It has permeated every aspect of government and society to the point where the collapse of the entire system is imminent. This didn’t happen by accident—it was planned.

General Milley’s decision to protect the American Embassy in Kabul is understandable in his eyes because every U.S. embassy in the world is packed with CIA officers / agents and their safety comes first before anyone else.

Everyone by now should know that the CV is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. This is a no-brainer. The CDC et al are downplaying the number of deaths and injuries caused by the CV, which is disgraceful. Nurses and hospital staff members are refusing the vaccines and are being fired because of their resistance. Why? Because they’re on the front lines and are witnesses to the covid fraud. If I ever contracted the virus and recovered from it, I was unaware of it and I’m in the most vulnerable category. People aren’t dying from covid, they’re dying from the vaccines. Anybody notice that when covid came on the scene that colds and flu disappeared?

Japan discovers “magnetic” substance in Pfizer covid vaccines; journalists start DYING from the vax they pushed

VACCINE FAIL: One in three new covid cases in Los Angeles are “breakthroughs” among fully vaccinated

Lisa Shaw death: BBC presenter had blood clots after AstraZeneca jab, family says

Germany Hired Scientists To Develop Fake Coronavirus Model To Justify Strict Lockdown

Houston Methodist Hospital Orders Staff to Withhold Adverse Reaction Caused by COVID Vaccines From Official Records

Eric Clapton Blames Propaganda for Disastrous COVID Vaccine

The list of stories / videos of vaccine horrors is too numerous to list. It seems endless. If you’re looking for confirmation, don’t go to YouTube or Google. They censor anything they consider “anti-vax” because they’re onboard with mandated vaccines. “My Body, My Choice?” That only applies to feminazis—the hoi polloi must bend the knee to Big Pharma and the idiots (puppets) running Western governments.

I have a feeling that Tucker will be attacked / censored for questioning the efficacy of the vaccines.

The premise of the wrong people are in charge of the military was expressed by none other than General Douglas MacArthur to President John F. Kennedy in 1961. “At a July 21, 1961 meeting with Kennedy at the White House, Douglas MacArthur was highly critical of advice given to President Kennedy by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and stated the wrong military men had been advanced in the ranks in the last ten years.” (Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye, Kenneth O’Donnell and David Powers, p. 13) You can look this up for yourself.
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