Senator suffers VAXX poison induced PARKINSON'S DISEASE
2012 views • 09/22/2023

Rep. Jennifer Wexton

"It’s that time of year again—don’t forget to get your flu shot!
There’s no better way to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy this winter than getting your flu shot (and COVID vaccine booster, if you’re eligible!).
It’s quick, easy, and extra important this year."
9:23 AM · Oct 22, 2021
Rep. Jennifer Wexton
"On #WorldParkinsonsDay, I'm here to share that I've been diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease.
I'm doing well, and I want to bring about as much good from this diagnosis as I can—including here in Congress."
5:30 AM · Apr 11, 2023
"I'm Going to Die"- Virginia Democratic Congresswoman Won't Seek Re-Election After Being Diagnosed with Rare, Fatal Neurological Disorder - Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (D-VA) announced Monday that she will not be seeking re-election after being diagnosed with a rare, fatal neurological disorder.

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