Millions of Australians Rally at Canberra 2 Year Delta
109 views • 7 months ago

This Epic moment of Australian political history has reached a two year mark that is worth pausing to remember. Back on Saturday, February 12, 2022, literally millions of Australians converged on the National Capital to show the rest of the nation and politians they had had enough of government corruption. and to make a stand against the cruel and needless 'jab' mandates which were destroying the lives of many honest hard-working men and women. This video offers a collection of photos from many sources taken around that day (and a few days prior at Government House). The corrupt mainstream media has done its best to minimise the numbers to ten thousand, so we have to keep showing the truth of it years later when people start waking up. We have to never forget that this really did happen. It WAS Epic!

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