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You Won’t Believe What Still Lingers in Your Home
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Finding Genius Podcast
186 Subscribers
Published a year ago

Did you know that the chemicals used in the past can still be lurking in our homes today?

Even though they may have been used decades ago, our indoor environments can preserve their presence for years. ⚠️

This is what environmental chemist & professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Toronto, Miriam Diamond, has learned through her research!

Miriam explains that this phenomenon can be TRACED all the way back to the fact that certain chemicals were so widely used in the past that they're still pretty much everywhere today! ☢️

It's a good reminder to be aware of what chemicals we use and to properly dispose of them to reduce their impact on our health and environment.

To find out more about Miriam and her work, click HERE now!

Episode also available on Apple Podcast:

chemicalschemical free livingenvironments

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