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Trump is Censored, But BLM/ANTIFA Leader John Sullivan Still Has Most Of His Social Media Accounts: What's Up Big Tech?
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Global Agenda
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Published 3 years ago
24 hours after his arrest one of the leaders of the Congress Building False Flag Riot still has several of his Social Media sites up and running. Donald Trump and several Conservative thinking Social Media hawks had their Big Tech Social Media sites purged on several platforms. I for one have lost three YouTube channels since July 2020. I have NEVER threatened to take the President 'out of office'. I lost my Parler account when they wiped out that platform. This ANTIFA and BLM leader from Salt Lake City, Utah as we all can see from his 'filming and documenting' the Storming of Congress. Donald Trump (the President of the New Banana Republic) has to use an old Rotary Phone to communicate with the outside world. What gives Big Tech? Hypocrites.

In the times of Internet Censorship here are my Social Media Accounts that I use for spreading the Real Uncensored Truth (hopefully). BTW... My Twitter and two YouTube channels are heavily censored and shadow banned. Mark @GlobalAgenda

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