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John Witherspoon shocked the national pulpits with preaching ‘Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men’ in 1776. This sermon should shock, rock and cause pulpits to stumble while the people repent and find this as a call to action as Joab said in 2 Sam. x. 12. “Be of good courage, and let us behave ourselves valiantly for our people and for the cities of our God, and let the Lord do that which is good in his sight.” To this, Witherspoon writes in his first conclusion to the hearers and readers:
I have mentioned this sermon in past programs. In light of last week, I was bothered as to why Madison would reject his foundational Orthodox teaching under Witherspoon for the humanism and secularism of Locke and Voltaire. The personal answer of Madison is no where to be found. We learned last week and from many historians that Madison was private in his theology. Yet, as Koty revealed last week, Madison provided great insights of his beliefs by his writings and rhetoric during the Constitutional Convention and beyond.
As I delve into The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, it is obvious that the seemingly tragic events and political mayhem is out of control. The enemies of Liberty are devouring all that is good, righteous, just and Constitutional. You will learn, if you do not already know, that all things are in the control of Providence. As Witherspoon will present, when the godless are dominant and in leadership, vile occurrences happen.
Read the rest at: http://bit.ly/3G88QH3