W.H.O., how much do I despise you? My 2nd Pandemic Treaty submission of 256 seconds. MVI_7340
67 views • 09/13/2022

TRANSCRIPT BELOW: Yesterday I uploaded my 86 seconds video submission in response to the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty proposal. You can view it here: https://www.brighteon.com/8cc2b380-c2b5-4654-ac65-5872a721d885 This video is what I wanted to say… Of course, they will only publish those videos which are fragrant towards their proposal concerning global pandemic actions, but they claim that all submitted videos will be available at their website. I am also making both videos available to https://interestofjustice.org/submit-who-videos, https://preventgenocide2030.org/act/video/, and possibly other sites, in addition to here at Brighteon.com.

The W.H.O. posed the question:

Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?

Here is the transcript of my second answer:

Yesterday, I uploaded an 86 second video addressing the Pandemic Treaty project of the World Health Organization. It was more restrained than I wanted to be. This video presents what I wanted to say…

I am EK Lippenmeyer, from Perth, Western Australia.

World Health Organization, how much do I despise thee? Let me count the ways…

You asked me:

Based on your experience with the COVID-19 pandemic, what do you believe should be addressed at the international level to better protect against future pandemics?

For starters, W.H.O., keep your corrupt and evil hands off the sovereign nations’ efforts to protect the health of their citizens. While many nations’ approaches leave much to be desired, yours possesses almost nothing to be desired.

Am I saying that the W.H.O. has done, and is doing, no good for the health of the world? No. I am saying that in recent decades the quantity and momentum of net harm from your advice and edicts, is reaching and exceeding pernicious proportions.

I reject your capture by unethical vested interests.

I reject your promotion of patented synthetics at every turn for every ailment.

I reject your willingness to ride rough-shod over our human rights.

I reject your snubbing of the Nuremberg Code, which, among other principles, enshrines the necessity for fully informed consent to any experimental medical procedure or therapy, free of all coercion, and allowing the patient to pull out of any such at any stage, without need of any reason given.

I reject your myriad of lies.

I reject your withholding of high-efficacy, high safety, low-cost life-saving information and medicines.

Did I say, “Keep your grubby hands off any global pandemic treaty, until and unless a massive reform of your behemoth of an organization brings you to a state of fitness-for-purpose.”? Well, I have now.

I reject your flagrant destruction of the natural health of our children by promoting scores of ‘vaccine’ injections, from birth until 18, which, for those that survive, makes them life-long customers of the pharmaceutical industry’s symptom-smothering drugs. Do I reject all vaccines? No, I am sceptical, and need impartial risk-versus-benefit evidence to convince me of their value. As well as adult vaccines which you push, such as the seasonal flu injections, NOT TO MENTION THE EXPERIMENTAL COVID-19 INJECTIONS, WHERE THE TSUNAMI OF ILL- AND LETHAL-EFFECTS IS NOW UNDENIABLE, AND NUMBER IN THE MANY MILLIONS.

I reject your approval of the censorship of, and prevention of, enlightened doctors from deviating from official health practice and advice to their patients.

I reject your uplifting of the ethical vacuums and criminals that run your organization, and your pillorying of medical experts of decency, integrity, and greatness.

I cherish the fact that a large and growing number of people around the world now see through your evil designs for lessening the health of the global population, thus reducing their ability to resist, subjugating them evermore to your blighted goal of a small elite ruling the masses.

World Health Organization, how much do I despise thee? I’ve been counting the ways, and have not scratched the surface. To all of the high-level decision-makers in the W.H.O., immediately begin your redemption by publicly renouncing the plethora of wrongs you have done, and devote the remainder of your lives to repairing what can be repaired of the shocking legacy you have created.

Recorded on this thirteenth day of September, twenty twenty-two.

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