464 views • 08/04/2020
The purpose of this presentation was to highlight the fact that there is no irrefutable evidence based on the gold standard that a virus called SARS-CoV2 is causing the condition called Covid-19. And furthermore that there is no irrefutable evidence that this virus causes the signs, symptoms and conditions such as loss of smell, hypoxia, diabetes and blood clotting seen in these patients. However there are many studies which prove that other causes such as environmental toxins including electromagnetic radiation do cause such signs, symptoms and conditions. In view of these facts there is no justification for vaccinating anyone against the SARS-COV2 virus. As you will see Desmund Bernardo made several claims during the presentation (and discussion) but provided no irrefutable evidence to back them up. He was given an opportunity after the webinar to forward the evidence and we are still waiting for it.
Health Wellness Performance Institute
HWP Natural Farmacy
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