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Hospital Death Protocol / Documented Cases
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Abide in Christ
46 Subscribers
Published 3 months ago

Folks the Hospital Death Protocol of Remdesivir and Ventilators must be stopped. This video is a well-documented collection site of actual people's deaths purposely caused by Hospitals who were paid the lots of money for killing people quickly. The globalist main evil push in the last 4 years is their depopulation/murder agenda... not only with the vaccines but also the death protocols in the hospitals. Sadly, this is STILL going on in the Hospitals. This is so evil!

Each and every one of these people who took part of these crimes against humanity will have to stand before the Almighty God on the day of judgement and give an account for what they have done in their life. I would NOT want to be any of them. And if they don't stop doing this... if they don't repent from murdering people, they will not go to Heaven but hell. The Bible says what profits a man if he gains the whole world but lose his own soul.

tyrannyventilatorsremdesivirhospital death protocolvekluryno patients rightsworse than nazi germanymillions killed

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