Destruction by Covid Pt 2, DARPA
149 views • 11/21/2020
In my last video I explored the justifications often used by tyrants to impose strict rule. In this video I dive into it a little deeper. The government and those who own it, wish to totally control you. This includes your health, your diet, your financials etc. Groups like DARPA, which is the researching wing of the Pentagon and the businesses and schools given grants by them are developing technologies to enslave you.

With this "pandemic" in full swing, DARPA has been tasked by the government to rapidly develop a vaccine or therapeutic. DARPA is more well known for developing covert and sophisticated technologies used by United States Military and similar groups. From mind control, to bio implants, DARPA has their hands in it. They may give you one reason they are developing the technology, but it is always another when it comes to actually deploying it.


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