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Published 4 years ago
Greg Hunter open with red/ green button
5:00-8:00 You can re-engineer the Federal Government at high Speeds. Coronavirus, the Vaccine it's unconstitutional. Jedi Contract, Jedi Cloud, Microsoft want updates, Jedi Nano technology to track humans. DOD Data collection on all Americans is called the Jedi Contract. DOD with Banks
8:00-9:45 #usethegoepelforprotection Why God's message from Kanye West is so important! Kanye can get a word from God those who hear the message obey will be saved. Kanye could still miss the boat. Salvation boat.
12:00-17:07 Deep State Secrets
America's Constitution was only created for a wholesome moral religious people. It is whole inadequate for anything or anyone else. There is no Monetary reset outside of a huge Nationwide repentance, No real Make America Great Again without a huge remorsefulness, for crimes against each of us, crimes we participate against others. That God may heal society, the world. Days of mourning before God. Americans have to admit for over 100 years we have been breaking God's laws and living very immoral lives and people in America and outside America have suffered greatly. Time to clean society of it's deep rooted immorality. If you find you are angry at me, it isn't me it's God.
God just hit me hard in my stomach, I was truly grieved for the pain anguish,, sufferings, caused/ committed in the last hundred years against American citizens and Citizens World Wide. No one has the right to interfere with the free movement decision making, relation each person has with God and others. Controlling everything in society was very very very wrong.

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