50 views • 08/08/2021
EUROPA – The Last Battle ~ (2017) by Tobias Bratt. Publication date 2017-07-12

PART FIVE - The TRUTH about:
The Roots Of Globalism, Multiculturalism White Genocide
The Kalergi, Kaufman, Morgenthau & Hootonplans for European Genocide
Jewish Supremacism vs German Racialism
The Myth Of German Racism
Hitlers’ Jewish Soldiers

Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books , but also going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the forces behind it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism.

For very good reasons, most people don't trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times, In this film you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events.

The intention with this documentary is to correct over 70 years of misinformation, restore the truth, the honesty and justice in the world. We must face the truth, however unpleasant and inconvenient it may be. We can’t do anything about the past; but by correcting the misinformation and distortions of the truth attached to it, we can unite and make sure that these horrors never will be repeated.

The truth fears no investigation!

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