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The Big Ugly (Mat 24:8  All these are the beginning of sorrows).
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Free4eva Media
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Published 2 years ago

I believe this is Clif High’s most important podcast, to date. He was able to crystallize and articulate thoughts that I’ve been having for the past several months, as I’ve beheld the dismantling of the institutions and the infrastructure of my civilization and the demolition of such basic Western values of critical thinking and science.

I was born and raised as a liberal in the Liberal World Order. I was inculcated in the misanthropic canons of the Club of Rome’s ‘Limits to Growth’.

It’s a relief, to understand how I’d been brainwashed by the Banksters’ death cult and to know that Heaven on Earth is on the other side of the imminent financial collapse and that also, there’s a very solid context in which to understand the errors of my thinking (programming) in the work of Russian scientist, Vladimir Venadsky, author of The Biosphere and The Noösphere, in which he proved, scientifically, mathematically and empirically that we humans, as active, living, thinking beings are an essential process in the life of our planet.

During our collective bad acid trip in recent years, I’ve seen my once-powerful institutes and cities captured by idiocracy and I’ve been astonished to comprehend that many of my own long-held precepts were quite flawed.

And now, it appears that it’s our central banksters’ plan to make Russia nuke us.

All of this is what Clif High calls ‘The Big Ugly’ – and the ability to see it and to understand what it is, is GREAT NEWS! The Big Ugly

Vladimir Vernadsky

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