Plandemic Depopulation Agenda EXPOSED! 💉
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Here's what they don't want you to know!

The new, so called ‘epidemic’ of *Mycoplasma Pneumoniae also termed “White Lung Syndrome” is caused by the Covid "Vaccines" as revealed by Pfizer themselves.

Check out page 36 of Pfizer’s Post-Authorization Adverse Events Report. It's listed as 'Pneumonia mycoplasmal' on the PDF. ⬇️

In addition, scientists are now warning that the latest COVID variant could trigger a “heart failure pandemic.” This is a cover story for the fact that the "COVID Vaccines" are causing a ton of heart failure, & get this: Pfizer, the same company that sold you the so-called vaccines, is making a big bet on that “heart failure pandemic.”

The pharmaceutical giant recently acquired several companies (i.e. a major $6.7 billion cash acquisition of Arena Pharmaceuticals), a firm specializing in developing treatments, particularly for heart inflammation conditions like myocarditis & pericarditis.

So, the company that caused the heart damage is now looking to profit from heart damage! ⬇️ and and and

Also, remember how right before COVID was released, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the WEF & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic "exercise" in New York, NY illustrating areas where public/private partnerships would be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic on OCTOBER 18, 2019? ⬇️

Well, now the same players (i.e. Klaus Schwab, the WEF, the WHO, & the so-called global elites) are gathering for a 5-day annual meeting in Davos from January 15-19. One of the topics on the agenda for January 17th... “Preparing for Disease X". This is Event 201 2.0.

Remember, the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, “The next pandemic is not a matter of if but of when.” ⬇️

The new plandemic has been dubbed "Disease X" which they are warning could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus plandemic. ⬇️ and

This could either be an additional cover story for the fact that people are suddenly dieing from taking the COVID "Vaccines", or it could be them creating an entirely new bio weapon to kill us with.

Either way masks are useless ( & their so called "Vaccines" will do nothing but alter your genes & cause a laundry list of negative side-effects. SOME aren't fatal (i.e. autism, facial paralysis, blurred vision, swelling of lymph nodes, chest pains, seizures, brain aneurisms, adverse events with pregnancy, lactation adverse events, spontaneous abortions, etc.). Others are much more serious & can kill you (i.e. blood clots, cancer, myocarditis). In fact, they've already claimed the lives of millions!

According to a groundbreaking study by Doctors Denis Rancourt, Marine Baudin, & Jérémie Mercier found 17 million people died worldwide after the COVID-19 "vaccine" rollout. ⬇️ and and and and

To make matters worse they're putting HIV in the vaccines. ⬇️

I've been warning everyone for a very long time now that they're trying to & are killing us in a multitude of different ways right now. This is just one way they're doing it.

These same globalists are also poisoning the air, food, & water, all while simultaneously destroying food supplies to cause famine in the name of accelerating their climate change hoax ( ). Look no further than COP28. ⬇️ and and

Of course, they're using this all to push fear so they can take our freedom away & this is merely the tip of the ICEBERG!

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