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🌟 Can Anyone Lead? 🌟
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Finding Genius Podcast
186 Subscribers
Published 8 months ago

🌟 In our latest podcast, Sam Adeyemi, the senior pastor of Daystar Christian Centre and author of "Dear Leader," shared an inspiring insight.

He recounted how, right out of college, he received his very first book on leadership from a wise church reverend. The core message was simple yet profound: Everybody can lead.Β πŸ“˜

🌱 Discovering the key qualities of a leader, Sam realized that some were already within his grasp, while others were traits he knew he could nurture. This realization became his personal growth mission - to cultivate these qualities.

Surprisingly, leadership roles began to find him, eventually leading him away from the engineering site. πŸš€

Eager to learn more from Sam Adeyemi's perspective? Tune in to the full episode here:

Unlock your leadership potential; it's already within you! πŸ’ͺ


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