Child Abuse and Police Brutality
0 view • 06/24/2021
My apology for the typos in the video restrain (verb) not restraint lol
9 piss officers restraining a small child, putting his entire weight on the child's fragile arm in front of cameras, this tells me one thing, they want to be filmed while carrying out these brutalities against ordinary civilians.
My take on this, is they want the public to get angry, they want the public to be
scared, they want the gap to keep getting wider between the general public and the police force, they want to instil fear into us.
They also want the public outcry so they can present us with a solution, like getting rid of the police concept entirely as the great reset kicks in, we will be policed by cameras, special forces, and drones. The police will be obsolete, this is why they are setting them up. Your views please.
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