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Wooden Nickels: Let's Talk AEWAR (aka Ewaranon)! [04.05.2022]
Published 2 years ago

ATTENTION!: is STILL CENCORING ME!...IF YOU wanna see ALL the videos I share, you have to go to my Bitchute channel -> <- after brighteon's last 'update' some weeks ago, I can not anymore upload everything as I could before, maybe 3 out of 10 videos goes through and are being 'accepted' (another PSYOP, so much for brighteons 'Freedom Of Speech) - I send an email to their support (you can see and read it here and screenshot here but I never got an answer... - Thinks are 'connected' and There is NO such thing as a 'Coincidence'!

Tyson211 - 1 month ago:I can’t express how much I appreciate and respect the work you are doing. It’s because you’re willing to change your mind and are open to new ideas (even if those ideas aren’t popular) that I know you’re one of the good guys. You are searching for the truth and using this platform to share your journey. Thank you WN.

Ronald Layton - 1 month ago (edited):

Ewar, came out of nowhere with an incredibly in depth and well researched multi hour presentation that covered nearly all of the major "conspiracy" issues: Mudflood, lack of population, worldwide uniformity of style, ridiculous narratives, temporary worlds fairs, orphan trains and incubator babies, etc.

His Lost History of Flat Earth (LHFE) is a polished and thorough overview of what is being called Tartarian research. Almost a little too well polished and filled with esoteric background story elements that literally nobody else had touched on in the community yet.

Such as Offerus and mercury. Fake historical personages , living waters and a seemingly complete knowledge of all of Great Britains manors, farms and waterworks. He arrived on the scene miles ahead of the rest of us.

To have reached that width and depth of knowledge would take years of research as well as keen insights and a real dedication to the cause.

Once someone gets even half as deep into it as he has the lame explanations and impossible and unnecessary nature of these constructions and timelines is not something that could be hidden from awareness behind a wall of cognitive dissonance.

Nobody is reading the official govt. approved, logical sounding and supported official narratives and then pathologically and subconsciously convincing themselves that they dont make sense.

Cognitive dissonance in this case would be to deny the absurdity of the story and the mountains of evidence that refute that story.

Then to act as if the Liverpool cathedral construction story and evidence should be believed, is likely not fabricated and calls the entire research effort into doubt based on his self proclaimed cognitive dissonance revelation?

Kind of like Wooden Nickels was doing 6 or 8 months ago.

I'm all for using caution and reason, double checking my own motivations and perspective so as to not be wasting time following a dead end line of research or letting my emotional investment cloud my judgment.

The scientific method is a good thing but that's not what is going on with Ewar.

He was helped and promoted to the forefront of the research so that when he, the best and most learned researcher on the subject announced that he may be mistaken or blind and fooled by his own emotions , then all the "lesser" researchers must be as well.

Nothing to see here people. Just a bunch of conspiracy theorists who thought they were on to something.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.

12,586 views May 4, 2022

Wooden Nickels

17.4K subscribers


Wooden Nickels was founded by New York Times bestseller G.W. (Gdub) Nickels. The channel features conspiracy comedy content provided by the unpaid writer/intern, Woody.

Joined Jan 12, 2020


Mail: [email protected]

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