A little reading from Is the Earth a Globe by Alexander Gleason
96 views • 07/25/2022

A little reading from Is the Earth a Globe by Alexander Gleason

with some visual representations by me

Is the Earth a Globe by Alexander Gleason AUDIOBOOKhttps://youtu.be/KH4zMz2CaCg

Archive pdf: https://archive.org/details/is-the-bible-from-heaven-is-the-earth-a-globe-by-alex-gleason/page/n1/mode/2up?view=theater


Is the Bible from Heaven? Is the Earth a Globe? By Alex Gleasonhttps://odysee.com/@JVTruth2:0/alex-gleason-is-the-bible-from-heaven-is-the-earth-a-globe:8?r=9Dp4GZTEho8yqNpwvQmg5FFYYtPbJbP4


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