Animal Connections S1E2 - Horse's Mouth
71 views • 07/10/2022

Learning to Speak the Amazing Language of Animals.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one could understand animals better? Tap into their energy to share their wisdom? Host André Shirley talks about our long-lost abilities and how to get these back again. Here we spotlight how to do this. It is not a special talent but something that can be mastered by anybody dedicated enough to try. This show will help you with tips and tools to start your own journey to connecting to our co-residents on this planet.

This episode is based on excerpts from André’s mentor, Amelia Kincaid and her book, Straight from the horse’s mouth. Amelia can be found on Please visit her site or contact her to learn this skill.

André can be contacted on telegram - @zaxenon, or on email [email protected].

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