I, Pet Goat II [Symbolism Explained]
133 views • 07/21/2022

I, Pet Goat II, with the Symbolism Explained…https://taileaters.com/depth-psychology/i-pet-goat-2/

Thanks Jean for posting this. I have seen I, Pet Goat II before on BPEarthwatch, but was unfamiliar with all of the symbolism. Joshua went on to college, and pretty much disappeared from view, until he surfaced again yesterday and suggested this interesting video for us. As I watched this video, I also saw an explanation of the symbolism, which I thought could be important to our understanding of this amazing creation, and so I included it, as well.

It is a 3D animation (A field i have studied) with a plethora of obvious and hidden symbolism of various topics such as religion, politics, finance, the future of humanity and so on. Very interesting and beautiful and worth several watch throughs. Its only about 7-8 minutes but wow was I impressed by it. Many people will get different interpretations of its meaning based on their emotional charged and attitudes of live in relation to their belief systems but overall, even for those not well educated and logical in mind, it is a stunning visual of surreal and unsettling imagery that is sure to entertain you at the very least.

I Pet Goat II: The Symbolic Meaning

It is not every day that something is released into the world with more meaning and information than even those who created it can comprehend. As is often the case in recent times, everything is created with a specific purpose, interpretation, or influence in mind. It is not often that you come across a piece of art-work that resonates with you on an almost unknown level, that sticks with and enlightens you, all while you are hardly scratching the surface of the possibilities of its interpretations.

It’s n

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