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G. Edward Griffin: The Communist Revolution I Warned About 50 Years Ago Is Taking Place Today
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Sons of Liberty
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Published 4 years ago
In 1968, author G. Edward Griffin warned of the agenda of Marxist-Leninists from their own writings. More than 50 years later, he joins me in this episode to remind people of what that agenda is and how it works. Even more fascinating is that he exposes what the two parties are doing to achieve this end today and encourages people to educate themselves on the matter quickly, as well as be ready to stand and fight against the coming Communist revolution that we are on the verge of seeing come to full fruition in the US.

Pick Up Mr. Griffin’s Books Here: Https://Amzn.To/36N2o5H
Visit His Website: Https://Redpilluniversity.Org/

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