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More Inflation
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Published 18 days ago

Bidenomics & Bidenflation

* Inflation was never ‘transitory’.

* This is one of the talking points banksters use to bullsh!t us into believing they’re fighting that which they create.

* The real currency war is the one they’re waging on us: fiat currency.

* It isn’t money; it is a credit instrument with counterparty risk (by design). They borrow every $ into existence from us at interest.

* Eventual hyperinflation, collapse and reset are built-in features — not bugs.

* The inflection point is a matter of time. Are we there yet?

* Is it time to cleanse money changers from the temple, end the usury process and return to sound money?

The full episode is linked below.

Real America’s Voice | Grant Stinchfield Tonight Show (14 May 2024)

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