9/11 Pentagon Video FINALLY Reveals Truth About Attack That Changes EVERYTHING!
85 views • 05/30/2020
We have been told for years that what hit the Pentagon on 9/11 was a commercial airliner and the supposed "proof" was these 2 surveillance cam videos which show a blurry object hitting the Pentagon and exploding. However, thanks to a new report and expert analysis, these videos have been PROVEN to have been edited.

This cannot be explained away as "coincidence" since it shows outright tampering and editing within the frames of these survllancd videos. Please share this video with as many people as you can so we can force the media to ackonowledge this footage.

This video is an exert from a documentary called 9/11: The New Pearl Harbor. This is by far the best 9/11 documentary to date. Gone are the days of Loose Change, which, while they meant well, didn't provide anywhere near the level of analysis, facts, expert interviews, and debunking as this 3-part documentary does. It has been uploaded to YouTube by the creator here:

Here is the website to the documentary where you can purchase it on DVD. The creator actually encourages that this Who purchase the DVD set, burn copies, and share them with as many people as you like:

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