Stop The WHO Treaty & Reject The Amendments
78 views • 4 months ago

The Fraudulent Globalist Agenda To Profit Off World Depopulation

* The entire history of the so-called WHO Pandemic Treaty is fraudulent and relies upon people’s silence.

* The U.S. is not lawfully compelled by the tyrannical W.H.O.

* They want to create an International Health Regulations Authority.

* They want the authority to declare a pandemic based on the mere potential for disease.

* They want the authority to compel new vaccines and quarantine for those who are not even sick.

* They want to authorize surveillance and censorship to enforce their fraud.

* They want to give nations the authority to quarantine and vaccinate foreign travelers at their own discretion.

* They view our silence as consent — so we must stand against them and speak out.

Reese Reports | 2 May 2024

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